RUSS WILLIAMS was raised in the predominantly Welsh-speaking town of Caernarfon in North Wales. As a child, he was a member of a Welsh national writing group called 'Sgwad Sgwennu', whose membership was chosen based on short stories submitted from primary schools all over Wales. He then studied in Cardiff, graduating from UWIC with a BA in Sociology & Popular Culture in 2010.
After that he moved back up north, got a diploma in Freelance Journalism and became Press Officer for MYC Porthmadog Rowing, covering races in Wales and Ireland, with his coverage being printed in the Caernarfon and Denbigh Herald. He then spent two years in Australia, at one point securing an internship with the Herald Sun, Australia's biggest-selling newspaper.
He now resides in the Welsh capital of Cardiff, where he continues to write whilst working a full-time job. He is also a member of Roath Writers, a Cardiff-based writing group, through whom he published his first short story, 'Press 2 for English', via the group's annual anthology in 2015.
He has two active blogs- 'Brawd Autistico', which documents his life with an autistic brother and 'Where the Folk', in which he travels to places across Wales associated with Welsh folklore and urban myths (both launched in 2020).
In 2020, he began working with Welsh artist Danny Hanks, who will be providing illustrations for some of his future blog posts. 'Brawd Autistico' is also endorsed by Helen Bucke Autism Specialist Services & Training, with Russ sometimes appearing as a guest speaker. His short story 'When Hats are Life' featured in Helen's 2023 book 'Bearing Untold Stories - Life on (and off) the Autism Spectrum'.
2024 saw the release of his first traditionally published book, 'Where the Folk'.